Monday, December 12, 2011

So Far So Good… So Why Do I Feel Like Crying

Nothing changed. The mass is steady and there’s a 50/50 chance it’s not cancer. Great… right? Still alive and kicking… still have insurance… still have a job… still have a wonderful husband and a bright son… so why do I feel like crying?

I think I’ve been so overwhelmed with emotional situations lately that I may be exploding… not brains on the wall… but emotional meltdown… and I think it’s probably 100% normal. My friend Karn’s mom was diagnosed with breast cancer. Karn has been strong and supportive… through the mastectomy and now through the chemotherapy. She’s been the perfect daughter. All while losing a cat, having a car break down, working for a horrible boss, and being lonely having not found love… etc… etc… and she has stayed strong…. A tough outer layer… but I’ve seen cracks. Every once in a while her eyes turn red, and her voice cracks.

We all crack.

My cracking points…

The mass in my breast…
House full of mold…
Neighbor damaging my property because he isn’t maintaining his plumbing…
One sister is struggling financially at a job where the boss treats her horribly and there’s nothing I can do about it…
One sister has her dream job… but she has no faith... she's made selfish choices… and she is sucking every penny out of my parents’ bank account… their retirement money.

We all crack. I’m cracking… The trick is to use a strong and reliable adhesive to put those cracks back together. Faith and prayer can keep you from coming completely apart… give it to God and keep on walking.

I met this beautiful girl and Walmart yesterday. I firmly believe that Walmart must only hire saints and sages because I run into the most amazing people there. She was young… maybe 28… maybe… she had 6 kids. SIX KIDS! Dear patient Mary, 6…. I can’t even imagine. Her husband left her. It’s two weeks till Christmas. I told her that I thought she was an inspiration and I didn’t know how she could do it. She said she just prays on it and keeps on walking.

That’s all any of us can do I guess. Pray on it and keep on walking. There’s so much in this world that is beyond us. 7 billion people in the world and many of them living worse than animals and there is nothing we can do about it except give our little, pray on it, and keep on walking.

Their parents selling their children into slavery and there is nothing we can do about it except pray, and keep on walking.

Two people die every second, and there is nothing you can do about it. Except pray. Keep on walking.

But have faith. There is immense power in prayer.

Jesus tells us, "…I tell you the truth, if you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, 'Move from here to there' and it will move. Nothing will be impossible for you" (Matthew 17:20).

2 Corinthians 10:4-5 tells us, "The weapons we fight with are not the weapons of the world. On the contrary, they have divine power to demolish strongholds. We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ."

The Bible urges us, "And pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests. With this in mind, be alert and always keep on praying for all the saints" (Ephesians 6:18).

Whatever hardships you face, whatever sorrow you see, for whatever joy and blessings you receive. Pray. Prayers are heard, and answered in ways we cannot conceive.

When you reach your cracking point and the pain and sorry seems more than you can handle, pray. And keep on walking. Because you are not alone. None of us is. We are here together with angels, spirits, and God who really do care about each one of us.

Pray to Jesus, to God, to Mary, just pray. The words can come from your heart, or perhaps the words come from prayers that are older than you… it doesn’t matter. Just pray. And keep on walking:

Hail Mary, full of grace.
Our Lord is with you.
Blessed are you among women,
and blessed is the fruit of your womb,
Holy Mary, Mother of God,
pray for us sinners,
now and at the hour of our death.

Have a blessed Monday.

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

A Different Way - A Spiritual Journey - Blog Carnival

I love reading beautiful blogs on spiritual thoughts and ideas. I would love to share your blog with my readers. Please submit your spiritual blog post to if you would like me to showcase your writings on my upcoming Carnival. My Blog Carnival, A Different Way - A Spiritual Journey is listed on under religion and philosophy.

I look forward to reading your blog!


How to Want What You Have By Doing Happy!

Being Happy Versus Doing Happy

“Happiness is not a state to arrive at, but a manner of traveling.” – Margaret Lee Runbeck

There are millions of books and quotes that tell people how to be happy. To Be Happy semantically illustrates a state of existence. Operating like being happy is something to be achieved may actually be stopping many people from feeling long-term happiness. Happiness is also too vague. It almost seems to be generally the absence of pain, the absence of loss, the absence of fear, the absence of loneliness, etc. But if we can only be happy, no one in the world would be happy. We all hurt. We all mourn. Sometimes we’re all afraid. At times, we are all lonely.

The trick is to learn to be happy in spite of it all!

The only way to be happy in spite of it all is to relinquish all your expectations. If you have no expectations you cannot be disappointed. If you have come to terms with the worst that can happen, your fear has no power to steal even an ounce of joy from you. Our expectations stand in the way of us fully accepting God’s plan.

You may expect that if you work hard for a steady company, stay late, network, that you’ll be promoted, have security, and eventually collect a comfortable pension. God’s plan might be that you are meant to be an entrepreneur with courage to strike out on your own. God’s plan might be that you find something that you are so passionate about that you never retire or collect a pension. Perhaps you work until the day you die.

“Sometimes we stare so long at a door that is closing that we see too late the one that is open.”
 Alexander Graham Bell

You might expect to be married with three kids by the time you are twenty-eight. You might expect that you’ll live in a single family home, with a picket fenced lawn, a dog, and be a stay at home mom. These expectations can make you bitter if God’s gifts to you, his plan for your life, include being a mom to one child in a flat in New York, while working at a job that provides more money than fulfillment.

Our expectations make us unhappy. But if we came to life like students, like beginners, even like beggars, who would not be able to appreciate the gifts they were given.

 “Happiness is not having what you want. It is wanting what you have.” Rabbi Hyman Schachtel

We may recognize our blessings and even be somewhat grateful for them, but if we have different expectations we take our blessings for granted and feel kind of disappointed, and what a sin that is. It is a sin to God for not giving sincere praise for the wonderful things we have in our life, and it is a sin against that wonderful thing or person or situation that we are lucky enough to have.

How do we begin to get rid of our expectations? How do you want what you have? Here are just a few ways to learn to want what you have:

1.       Watch less TV. Television shows are action-packed with unrealistic visions of life. How can we hope to have a real life compete with one that has been surgically enhanced, has a full-time nanny, has the benefit of inherited wealth, etc.

2.       Recogize things for what they are and not how nice they seem. Your co-worker with the 3500 square foot home, the Lexus, and the SUV looks like he’s on top of the world. He actually is on top of a lot of debt and probably doesn’t have the freedom you do, or as much savings.

That super fit gym rat looks like he must be happy and probably in a long-term relationship and is adored by her. In actually, he has to watch every little thing he eats, he spends so much time in the gym, that he neglects his relationships, his spirit, and his mind.

3.       Read fewer magazines. The images are often more unrealistic than those on television.

4.       Count your blessings.

Realize that each one of them is temporary and can be taken away in an instant. Name them one by one and realize each moment you have with your child, parent, sibling, spouse, friend is a gift. At any moment God could call them home.

5.       Read biographies. Our struggles connect us.

6.       Use what you have. Too many people have blessings stored away in their lives that they never use. Books gathering dust in closets or attics that haven’t been read in years. When is the last time you read Moby Dick, something by Napoleon Hill, or your favorite spiritual literature? Pull it out. Be inspired! Many people have creative skills that they haven’t used in years. Do you paint or draw, or are you a beautiful writer? Write! Do you have a blender, or miter saw, or dance shoes that are gathering dust? Do you have a beautiful voice? Make a smoothie! Hang some drywall! Dance! Sing!

7.       Read the world section of the newspaper. Seeing how little others have can help you appreciate the huge things you take for granted every day: libraries, public schools, grocery stores, clean water, the right to vote, the right to drive, religious freedom…

8.       Give thanks for your life. Every second 1 or 2 people dies are taking their last breath. (

9.       Give thanks for your legs, your arms, your mouth, whatever blessings you have. Somewhere there are many people who would love to have your gifts.

10.   Smile. Your face is a reflection of how disappointed or happy you are with what you have. When you are feeling grateful for something, show it!

11.   Hug someone and tell them how happy and how lucky you are that you have them. Tell them often. If you are too far for a hug, tell them in an email or over the phone, on twitter, on facebook, wherever. Just tell them.

Being grateful is a habit. It is one we have to cultivate and encourage in our spirits. Practice taking nothing for granted. NOTHING! Your gratefulness for the little things (which are not actually little at all) is a prayer of thanks… why not do this every day, all day, and forever? The world will look different to you… you’ll recognize so much beauty that was always there. Put on your rosy colored glasses!

Today I’m going for another mammogram. The doctor says that no matter what it looks like, he’s probably going to recommend that I see a surgeon. I’m a little freaked out. Just when I thought I could take a breath… relax about this mass in my chest… but I’m grateful I have a doctor who is cautious with my health. I’m grateful that I have health insurance. I’m grateful I live in a country where there are so many great radiologists, oncologists, and surgeons. I’m grateful I have a friend who will come with me and hold my hand at the surgeon’s office.

And right now… I’m grateful for my boobs. J And if one has to go, I’ll be grateful for my new one!

So today… be grateful. Really grateful. Love yourself, your friends, this moment…


I’d be truly grateful for any prayers you send my way …

Sunday, November 6, 2011

How To Be Happy Right Now

“Being happy doesn't mean that everything is perfect. It means that you've decided to look beyond the imperfections.” - ?

Everyone wants to be happy, but for many it is an elusive goal. We struggle, we do what’s right, we make the wise choices, but somehow, it’s not enough to be happy. Some of us struggle through days, weeks, months, and sometimes sad years wanting to be happy. With millions of self-help books on the shelves there should be no secrets left. We should all be ecstatic right? So what gives? Why do we still struggle? What is it?

“We tend to forget that happiness doesn't come as a result of getting something we don't have, but rather of recognizing and appreciating what we do have.” -  Frederick Keonig
What is the secret to happiness?

You don’t have to go searching for happiness. The secret is that you have everything you need already right now. Happiness is your God-given right. The secret is even told in the Lord’s prayer:

“Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy Kingdom come, thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. For thine is the kingdom, the power and the glory. for ever and ever. Amen”

The secret is to live in the moment. Let your thoughts not think about yesterday’s bread, or tomorrow’s bread, or your neighbor’s bread, but enjoy today’s bread that is right in front of you. In this moment, in this second, the world is probably not so scary.

If I think about the plumber who’s coming later, the contractor who has to look at the mold growing on the drywall, a possible leak in the roof, the lump in my breast, my son wanting a brother or sister that we can’t give him, saving for his college, work being a beast, the economy, the… the… I’m overwhelmed to the point of breaking down, crying, and giving up hope. But…

But… if… I think about this moment. If I let my thoughts linger on my cinnamon spice coffee, the feel of the keys under my typing fingers, the quiet while my husband and son sleep, the world is not so scary. It’s actually peaceful and beautiful. So one secret to being happy… it to take this moment that God has given you… and linger in it… love it… be grateful for it.

There are many things you can do to be happy right now, and let this be the first one.

Eleven ways to be happy right now!

1.       Be in the moment. Be mindful. Pay attention to every sense and every detail of each second. Don’t worry about tomorrow. Be here. Be now.
2.       Fill your life with music. Everything is a little better which a rocking soundtrack. So the next time you have to do a dreaded chore, put on your favorite tune. Maybe sing along. Maybe even dance.
3.       Make sure you do at least one thing every day that is just to make you happy. Fifteen minutes, just for you. Whatever it may be, it has to be a completely selfish thing – a bubble bath, reading a comic book, watching the sun rise, enjoying your favorite tea all alone before everyone else wakes up.
4.       Give yourself small, achievable goals, and really congratulate yourself as you accomplish them. We take ourselves for granted too much. When was the last time you really patted yourself on the back for cleaning the kitchen beautifully, or finishing the laundry, or being a great friend, parent, sibling, whatever. Don’t take yourself for granted. Really talk yourself up when you do all those things that seem tedious but they make life good. Heck, if you woke up this morning, didn’t cheat on your significant other, smoke crack, beat your kid, worship the devil, and bury the bodies in the back yard, you definitely have several things to pat yourself on the back for.
5.       Don’t take all your blessings for granted. Think about all the things you have to be grateful for, and list them one by one and really thank God for them.
6.       Choose to be happy.

“Most folks are about as happy as they make up their minds to be.” - Abraham Lincoln

Know that you have the ability to say I’m going to be happy today, and you can make it so. You have the power to choose how you will react to events and people. You can control your thoughts entirely. Direct your sails, and your ship will take you where you want. But you have to make the choice or else old habits, old programming, not of your choosing, will take over.
7.       Turn off the TV. It is full of unrealistic, dark, hedonistic, and scary images. The news obviously could depress anyone. They primarily only tell you the bad things that are happening in the world. But the bad things actually are far outweighed by the good. Even comedies and sitcoms are depressing. They show you unrealistic visions of young people with more money than sense who can afford large families, large homes, they have no student loans, they have no debt, they are either independently wealthy or only one parent works, etc. etc. Who lives like this? Maybe 1% of the population. Watching this kind of life, makes you on a subconscious and sometimes even on a conscious level doubt your own beautiful life. Working parents, shuttling around kids, pets, paying bills, cleaning up cat puke, repairing pipes, handing out Halloween candy etc.
8.       Appreciate the simple things. The simple life is magical and beautiful. Don’t be a perfectionist. Perfectionism makes the wonderfully simple and ordinary dull… but the simple things are truly blessed. Appreciate fall leaves, smile lines, dust on old furniture, cluttered books filled with beautiful stories…
9.       Recognize that all the blues you have in your life are not that bad relatively speaking. Give to a child living in poverty, or donate to a charity, and really be grateful that you have even a little to give when some have almost nothing. Search for Children’s Hospitals on’s wishlists… buy something for a sick child. You can send something that costs as little as a dollar.
10.   Get physical. Exercise. Garden. Dance. Make love. Hug someone. Go for a walk. Walk the dog. Tickle your child. Do some deep breathing. Stretch. Whatever. Use the body that God gave you.
11.   Have a motto, a philosophy, a worthy purpose, and follow it. Know that everything you do, is in line with that purpose. Know that you have a calling. What is God calling you to do?

If you are suffering from depression… go see a doctor. Get medicine. Seek therapy. Visit your spiritual guide, whatever yours may be… priest, pastor, minister, rabbi, whatever. You deserve to be happy.

“One must never look for happiness: one meets it by the way” -  Isabelle Eberhardt

“Many persons have a wrong idea of what constitutes true happiness. It is not attained through self-gratification but through fidelity to a worthy purpose.” Helen Keller (1880 - 1968)

“The foolish man seeks happiness in the distance, the wise grows it under his feet.” - James Oppenheim

“At the height of laughter, the universe is flung into a kaleidoscope of new possibilities.” - Jean Houston

I hope you have a beautiful day!
Go… be… happy!


Thursday, November 3, 2011


This story is one I received in a chain email yesterday.... a perfectly timed message from God... unknown author... simply beautiful. I hope you like it.

Breakfast at McDonald's

This is a good story and is true, please read it all the way through until the end! (After the story, there are some very interesting facts!):

I am a mother of three (ages 14, 12, 3) and have recently completed my college degree.

The last class I had to take was Sociology.

The teacher was absolutely inspiring with the qualities that I wish every human being had been graced with.

Her last project of the term was called, 'Smile.'

The class was asked to go out and smile at three people and document their reactions..
I am a very friendly person and always smile at everyone and say hello anyway. So, I thought this would be a piece of cake,

Soon after we were assigned the project, my husband, youngest son, and I went out to McDonald's one crisp March morning.

It was just our way of sharing special playtime with our son.

We were standing in line, waiting to be served, when all of a sudden everyone around us began to back away, and then
even my husband did.

I did not move an inch... an overwhelming feeling of panic welled up inside of me as I turned to see why they had moved.

As I turned around I smelled a horrible 'dirty body' smell, and there standing behind me were two poor homeless men.

As I looked down at the short gentleman, close to me, he was 'smiling'

His beautiful sky blue eyes were full of God's Light as he searched for acceptance......

He said, 'Good day' as he counted the few coins he had been clutching..

The second man fumbled with his hands as he stood behind his friend. I realized the second man was mentally challenged and the blue-eyed gentleman was his salvation.

I held my tears as I stood there with them.

The young lady at the counter asked him what they wanted.

He said, 'Coffee is all Miss' because that was all they could afford. (If they wanted to sit in the restaurant and warm up, they had to buy something. He just wanted to be warm).

Then I really felt it - the compulsion was so great I almost reached out and embraced the little man with the blue eyes.

That is when I noticed all eyes in the

restaurant were set on me, judging

my every action.

I smiled and asked the young lady behind the counter to give me two more breakfast meals on a separate tray.

I then walked around the corner to the table that the men had chosen as a resting spot. I put the tray on the table and laid my hand on the blue-eyed gentleman's cold hand.

He looked up at me, with tears in his eyes, and said, 'Thank you.'

I leaned over, began to pat his hand and said, 'I did not do this for you. God is here working through me to give you hope.'

I started to cry as I walked away to join my husband and son... When I sat down my husband smiled at me and said, 'That is why God gave you to me, Honey, to give me hope..'

We held hands for a moment and at that time, we knew that only because of the Grace that we had been given were we able to give..

We are not church goers, but we are believers.

That day showed me the pure Light of God's sweet love.

I returned to college, on the last evening of class, with this story in hand.
I turned in 'my project' and the instructor read it.
Then she looked up at me and said, 'Can I share this?'
I slowly nodded as she got the attention of the class.
She began to read and that is when I knew that we as human beings and being part of God share this need to heal people and to be healed.
In my own way I had touched the people at McDonald's, my son, the instructor, and every soul that shared the classroom on the last night I spent as a college student.

I graduated with one of the biggest lessons I would ever learn:


Much love and compassion is sent to each and every person who may read this and learn how to



There is an Angel sent to watch over you.

In order for her to work, you must pass this on to the people you want watched over.
An Angel wrote:

Many people will walk in and out of your life, but only true friends will leave footprints in your heart

To handle yourself, use your head...

To handle others, use your heart.

God Gives every bird it's food, but He does not throw it into its nest.

With a secret inside
that has never been told
This box is priceless
but as I see
The treasure inside is
precious to me
Today I share this
treasure with thee
It's the treasure of
friendship you've
given me.

I hope you have a blessed day!
Keep smiling!


Wednesday, November 2, 2011

What Are You Grateful For?

Today, like many days, I had to stop at Target (aka Tar-shay) before going home. My six year old goes through socks like seasonal allergy sufferers go through tissues. It was just another ordinary afternoon in the suburbs between working in a cubicle for the man and picking up the munchkin after school, etc. I saw something today that stopped me in my tracks. There was a sweet cashier at the customer service desk; she has helped us before. She is someone you don’t easily forget. She’s always struck me as someone who clearly shows me how lucky I am without meaning to. For a long time she was missing several of her front teeth. And yet she would smile. Of course, her smile was shy and humble. I could always tell she tried not to show her teeth. She smiled the same way I did when I was a child and my family was too poor to pay for braces for my unfortunate grill. I smiled with my lips pulled over my teeth, because I never wanted anyone to see how crooked they were.

Today, I noticed she had had her teeth fixed. Her smile looked great. And yet, there was still something about her. There was something so nervous and jittery. She almost seemed frightened. I can’t really describe it. I couldn’t imagine what she would be nervous about. But she was still so friendly chatting with me while taking care of our purchases. All the time, her hands shook as she helped me. Maybe she’s had too much coffee, I thought to myself. But that would have to be a heck of a lot of coffee. Maybe something stronger than coffee? While she helped us, she told us about her pets. She has 13 cats and a pet possum that lets himself in and out of the house through a doggy door. Apparently, the possum used the doggie door to come into the kitchen, eat the cats’ food and then head back out again. She’s got such a giving heart. She seems the type of person who would give a stranger the shirt off her back if it was in need.

And her shirt, or rather, what I saw beneath it, took my breath away. Sorry for the cliché. While we were chatting, I noticed an earwig race from one side of her shirt collar, across her chest and then down the other side of her chest. My heart almost stopped. But, I didn’t say anything. I couldn’t. How do you tell someone that they have a bug crawling in their clothes? If it was an ant at a picnic I would have brushed it off, no problem. If it was a lady bug in a park, I would have picked it up and made a wish. But this was an earwig. She had bugs crawling on her. She made me think of the poor children in countries far away shown in videos and pictures with flies buzzing around their faces.

She reminded me of what it was like to be a child with poor parents and the only food we had was covered in ants. She reminded me of a time not so long ago when life wasn’t so sweet. She reminded me that I have so much to be grateful for in this moment. And it is a wonderful thing to name those things one by one. Halloween, the celebration of candy and door-to-door mischief is over, and now Thanksgiving is on the way. For this holiday, no… for this month… maybe forever, we should all remember how lucky we are. We should number all those things that we take for granted because they aren’t perfect. We really have to remember that even if our lives aren’t perfect, there are people in the world that would give anything to have what we have. So what are you thankful for? What do you acknowledge as a blessing? Even the not so perfect things… here are some of mine:

My job… the department may be understaffed and overworked, but heck, it’s better than unemployment.

My home… it may be wall-to-wall clutter, and in various states of disrepair, but it’s our home and there is plenty of love here.

My parents… they are far from perfect, but they gave me life.

My cat… he may pee and puke all over the house, but he always seems to know when I need a cuddle at the end of a hard day.

My health… although at times it’s frightening, but right now, the biopsies and scans appear normal. “Probably not cancer” is better than the alternative.

2012 Race for the Presidency… at times it seems utterly ridiculous and fairly short of common sense and humanity, but it is a blessing to live in a country where I get to vote and drive a car.

There is so much to be grateful for… my hands to type… my feet to dance… my mind to day dream… my soul to love my son and husband… my faith…

“Nothing is more honorable than a grateful heart.”- Seneca (Roman philosopher, mid-1st century AD)

“No longer forward nor behind, I look in hope or fear; But grateful take the good I find, The best of now and here.” -  John Greenleaf Whittier (American Writer, 1807-1892)

“Happiness is itself a kind of gratitude.” -  Joseph Wood Krutch (American Naturalist and Writer, 1893-1970)

What are you grateful for today?

Have a good one!

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Letter to my god daughter

Dearest Little T,

It’s just before your baptism into the Catholic faith. You’re just a tiny little thing and there is probably no way you will remember it, so I want to tell you all about it. Of course, it hasn’t happened, yet, but I already know with 100% certainty what will occur. It will be a beautiful fall day in Northern Virginia. The church will be filled with people who love you to pieces: your mom and dad, all your grandparents, aunts, uncles, friends. There will be an intimate family gathering after where everyone will want to hold you and hug you because you are a little shiny piece of heaven.

You are brand new. You remind us, of how sweet life is. We’re all going to eat a little too much and all the hugging and kissing will make you a little cranky and then you’ll need a nap. Badly. We’ll all need a nap. It will be a perfect day. Just like you. And we are blessed to be part of your life.

As your Godparents, your mom and dad asked us to send you a letter. We write this letter to you now, with the expectation that you’ll receive it when you are old enough to read it, and with God’s help, lots of prayers, bunches of love, it will have some nugget of truth and helpfulness that you take with you as a touchstone into life. God gave us Ten Commandments, and so we’re going to follow his almighty template and give you the God Parents’ Ten Amendments. In addition to God’s perfect commandments we humbly and with just a tiny bit a humor give you these:

v  Thou shalt be awesome!

Be awesome… wake up and resolve to give 100%. It’s tiring to be awesome… and there will be times when you won’t be. Maybe you can’t be awesome until you’ve had your coffee and egg and bacon sandwich. So have it… play the theme song to Indiana Jones in your head and go out and do more than you think you can. Give more than expected. Go longer and farther than imagined. Because the alternative is just ordinary.

Choose to be awesome. Choose whole wheat bread, egg whites, and turkey bacon. Choose to be amazing in every moment.

v  Thou shalt have New Day’s Resolutions!

New Year’s resolutions are fun. Primarily because it’s always fun to guess how long you’ll stick to it. I think the average is probably forty-eight hours. But that’s okay. Resolutions… when you resolve to do something or to be someone or somehow… should not be an annual event. It should be a daily event. And sometimes hourly if necessary. When you wake up in the morning… after you’ve washed your face and done something about your morning breath, look at yourself in the mirror and remind yourself about your resolutions. Who do you, at that quiet moment before rest of the world is awake, resolve to be? What do you resolve to do? What do you resolve to appreciate? Remind yourself of all the things you have to be grateful for: your health, your job, your education, that you live in a free country, the right to vote, that you can read and write, your hands and feet, that at this moment more people than you imagine love and respect you, the ability to walk, time enough to make a difference, chocolate, soap, your mother, father, sister, music, whatever.

v  Thou shalt drink water!

Drink a lot of water. Bunches. Oodles. Most people walk around in a constant state of dehydration. Dehydration decreases your mental sharpness. It impairs your immune system. It can wrinkle your skin. It can’t make you moody, confused, and dizzy. It can give you bad breath.

v  There are some things you must do every day. Breathe. Floss. Pray.

And it’s okay to pray while you floss. God loves good oral hygiene. Pray. Know that God is everywhere and He hears all prayers and always answers. You just must be ready to receive the answer. You must believe. The answer to your prayer may not be exactly what you expected, or on a timeline that you would have liked, but you will get exactly what was meant for you. It will be exactly what is needed.

v  Thou shalt shake what your mama gave you!

Dance. Get crazy. Dancing isn’t about looking good or having rhythm. It’s about enjoying music and your body. It’s about letting your mind, body, and spirit be free for a few minutes. It’s about forgetting all that is wrong with the world and enjoying the moment. In times of war, we have always closed the doors and danced. When bullets fly and bombs drop, the children close the doors and turn the music up over the noise and dance. When the market turns bearish, and there is nothing that can be done. Dance. When the doctor says you’ve got to lose weight, put down the pastry and dance really fast. When you are sad, dance. When you are happy, dance. When you hold a crying newborn, slow dance. Dance at red lights in the car. Spin, jump, slide. In the rain, through joy and pain, just dance. Dance every day. Preferably, naked, and slightly inebriated. Just close the blinds so you don’t freak out the neighbors.

v  Thou must be awake to truly experience life! Wake up!

Kill your autopilot. He steals life. Be present. Don’t know what your autopilot is? If you find you have driven several minutes to the store, work, or school, and can’t remember the scenery…. Your were on autopilot. You should notice the sky, the flowers on the median, the trees, and at the very least, the street signs. Notice life.

v  Thou must use nice words!

If you don’t have anything nice to say, don’t say anything at all. If you don’t have anything nice to think, focus on something that makes you feel good. Repeat the name of that thing like a mantra until you are in a more positive mental space. It doesn’t matter what that thing is, just repeat it. Don’t worry that this makes you crazy. Just do it. Try it now.

Extra sharp cheddar cheese…. Extra sharp cheddar cheese… extra sharp cheddar cheese.

I don’t know about you, but right now I feel like… eating some really delicious extra sharp cheddar cheese. There is a real reason for this. Words are powerful. Words carry connotations with them. Different words may carry different connotations for different people. That particular connotation defines the emotion that the word will cause when said, heard, or thought by a particular individual. Emotions are the results of the hormones our brain produce as a result of a specific connotation. These hormones can trigger very real physiological reactions. Loving, kind, peaceful words create calm, and confidence, and positive chemicals that boost our immunities, lower blood pressure, make digestion, respiration, and even reproductivity more efficient. (I don’t think reproductivity is a word – but, it should be.) On the other hand, negative words that evoke anger, jealousy, sadness, despair, and fear can produce chemicals that evoke the fight or flight response, raise blood pressure, impair the immune system allowing viruses to harm the body, and if habitually felt, these emotions can damage blood cells, cause cancer cells to grow, and shave years off of your life. So the moment you feel yourself habitually cursing traffic, your boss, or anything, think of something that makes you feel good. Try it now. As an experiment hold the following words in your mind for a minute or two, and see how they make you feel emotionally and physically.

  •              Bubbles
  •              Chuckle
  •              Balloons
  •              Puppies
  •              Orphans
  •              Abandoned
  •              Poverty
  •              Lonely

How did they make you feel? The autonomic nervous system is that part of your nervous system that controls bodily functions beneath your consciousness. You don’t have to make your heart beat; your autonomic nervous system does it. You don’t have to make your stomach digest food; your autonomic nervous system does that. Many people operate as if their thoughts are part of that autonomic nervous system; they think they cannot control their thoughts. But your thoughts are not part of the autonomic nervous system. The thoughts that feel like they are not under your control are simply being controlled by habits you have formed. If those thoughts are positive, and are serving you, then continue the habits that create them. But if there is anything in your life that you do not like, know that your thoughts have manifested them. Whatever you think about the most, the nature of those thoughts, is what you draw into your life. It is what you become. It is what you attract. If you want new results, think new thoughts.

v  Your habits and your thoughts are your destiny!

Choose differently. Choose again and again until you have new habits. Your habits, are you. Your habits create your destiny. We are all just a little nuts. We are more than bi-polar. We are multi-polar. We are not in touch with reality, because, what is reality? Isn’t it different depending upon your perspective. We all have multiple personalities. The secret is, to choose our best self. Every single person is afraid of something and in love with something. One person is gentle and harsh, cowardly and courageous, introverted and outgoing, lazy and hardworking at different times and in different places. The secret is to choose your best self, your highest self more often than not. Everything we do, think, and say is a choice. Choose to be awesome in every moment. Your choices have made you who you are in this moment. Who do you choose to be tonight, tomorrow, or five years from now. Choose awesomeness.

v  Thou shalt make mistakes!

But if you stumble, and we all do, forgive yourself. Everything has a purpose, even our mistakes. They teach. They give us resilience. Everyone makes mistakes. Typos alwys hAppen. You don’t have to be perfect. So you think you made a mistake. Don’t worry about it; learn from it. Move on. Don’t doubt yourself. Don’t regret. Mistakes are simply the universe’s way of keeping us on the path that was meant for us. Every mistake brings you closer to where and who you are supposed to be. Had Ruth Wakefield not mistakenly run out of baker’s chocolate, she never would have invented the chocolate chip cookie. What a sad world that would be! Don’t question the mistake; God knows what He’s doing. If He didn’t want you to make that mistake, He wouldn’t have let it happen.

v  Thou shalt be loved more than you will ever know!

We accept the responsibility and privilege of being your godparents because God has willed it. And when God says jump, you do it. We are so lucky to have you. You are our little girl. We couldn’t love you more if you were our flesh and blood. We are one part Catholic, one part Baptist/Universal Unitarian, and all parts Christian, and we will pray for you always. To Jesus, to Mary, to saints and angels. We will always be here for you. If you have questions, need an ear, a shoulder to cry on, or even bail money. You are loved more than you will ever know.

With hugs, kisses, and love forever,

True & Al

Monday, October 24, 2011

Do You Believe in the Devil?

Do you believe in the devil? Do you believe in God? There have been so many miracles and answered prayers in my life that they leave no room for any doubt in my mind about the existence of God. But the belief in heaven and God, does not necessarily and naturally lead to the belief in the devil and a hell. I do not like to think of that much. But, at times there seems to be a pervasive evil spirit in the world. A spirit that permits and even facilitates acts of pure darkness. There is so much evidence of this evil’s existence: Adolf Hitler, Jozef Stalin, Moammar Gaddafi, Osama bin Laden, Saddam Hussein, John Wayne Gacy, Jeffrey Dahmer, Irma Grese, and Katherine Knight to name a few. Evil exists.

Personally, I have seen evil. I can think back into my memory and recall with perfect clarity the cold lightless look from the eyes of tall silent man possessed by an evil soul. It was horrifying. It filled me with fear; I have no idea where this man is now. I pray that he is in custody somewhere in a place where he cannot harm anyone else. Have you ever met someone and you instantly knew that that particular person was trouble? Have your instincts sent off internal alarms warning you to get away quickly? To not engage? This is definitely your soul’s reaction to an evil spirit, if not the devil himself. But do not fear evil… because nothing can exist unless God allows it. And if God allowed it, know it has a purpose. So what can we do when we see such horror and evil in the world? Take that evil in whatever form it takes and learn from it what you can.

In the presence of selfishness learn charity and patience.
In the presence of greed learn generosity, kindness, bravery, and brotherhood.
In the presence of intimidation and fear learn courage.
In the presence of lies learn honesty.
In the presence of conceit learn humility.
In the presence of sadness learn to lean on your faith in God and hope.
In the presence of hate learn love.

Dig deep. There is a well of hope in the world. When we rise from the ashes, whether big or small, international or local, we are amazing.

Arab Spring

Sixth-Grade Scout Saves a Life

Nick Headrick: Rescued in the nick of time

Story of Never Giving Up On Life: Aron Lee Ralston

Evil doesn’t just go after certain people. It tempts and haunts everyone. In almost any situation you can feel the tenticles of an evil soul intruding on your thoughts. Telling you to take the easy way out. Convincing you to be lazy or selfish. Telling you to give up. Telling you there is no hope. There is a way to defeat this evil.

Mindfulness is the key. Cultivate organized thinking and purposeful meditation versus simply replaying old negative and useless thought patterns. Each thought can be a prayer.

There can be no void in your thoughts for a significant amount of time – fill the empty spaces with prayer, faith, hope, love, courage, passion, friendship, and gentleness toward yourself and the world.

Every minute of every day, insist on living in an awareness of God’s omnipresence, the good things in your life, your hopes and dreams, beautiful memories.

If you fill your life with faith, there is no room for the devil and he can have no dominion over you. Fill your heart with God’s love, and know that no matter what trials you face, you can overcome them without succumbing to dark and fearful thoughts.

No matter what…

In your light you can face any dark and say, “Do your worst”
“Bring it on”
“In your face”
“Is that all you got?”

My faith is bigger than these tumors!
My faith is stronger than this chronic illness!
My God is more powerful than this company that beats me down!
The love of God and my faith in Him is richer than Wall Street!

Whatever breaks your heart, let your faith mend it.
Hold fast… stay the course. Pray. Reach out to family, brothers, and sisters in faith, whatever faith that may be, and know that the universe is God’s domain. God is love.

All the world is full of suffering.
It is also full of overcoming.
-Helen Keller

Keep in mind, at all times,
that we grow the most
from our greatest suffering.
As we go through it, it hurts.
But as we move through it, it also heals.
When a jug of water falls
to the floor and cracks,
what was hidden within begins to pour out.
When life sends you one of its curves,
remember that it has come
to help crack you open
so that all the love, power and potential
that have been slumbering within you
can be poured into the world outside you.
And, like a fractured bone,
we do become stronger in the broken places.
-Robin Sharma

To Homer
Standing aloof in giant ignorance,
   Of thee I hear and of the Cyclades,
As one who sits ashore and longs perchance
   To visit dolphin-coral in deep seas.
So thou wast blind;—but then the veil was rent,
   For Jove uncurtain'd Heaven to let thee live,
And Neptune made for thee a spumy tent,
   And Pan made sing for thee his forest-hive;
Aye on the shores of darkness there is light,
   And precipices show untrodden green,
There is a budding morrow in midnight,
   There is a triple sight in blindness keen;
Such seeing hadst thou, as it once befel
To Dian, Queen of Earth, and Heaven, and Hell.

Have an awesome Monday!
-          True

Monday, October 10, 2011

Unanswered Prayers

I think I have probably had more unanswered prayers than answered. Or maybe the answer just wasn’t what I expected, or it wasn’t answered in the time that I had envisioned. But I know that they were all heard. My brother is working on his PhD in psychology. He’s incredibly smart: always thinking, always working on an answer to some problem. He says he’s an agnostic.

I spoke to him recently about the miracles I have seen. About my answered prayers. His answer to that was to tell me that our minds search for answers that it can make sense of. It seems he’s more of an atheist than an agnostic. He has no spiritual faith. My guess is that he doesn’t pray. My prayers always affirm my faith. When life is shaky and everything is falling apart, the answers to my prayers always tell me to keep the faith…keep believing… know that I’m not alone. When I send up a prayer with all my soul, and the answer comes to me so perfectly, it leaves no room for doubt that we are not alone. I wish he could have that same experience. To know God’s love, God’s sense of humor, His mercy, and kindness…

I just don’t have those kinds of conversations with my brother anymore. But I’ll pray for him. I’ll pray that one day he sees the truth and it fills him with joy.

“Some of God's greatest gifts are unanswered prayers.”
- Garth Brooks

"Prayer means that the total you is praying. Your whole being reaches out to God, and God reaches down to you." - E. Stanley Jones

"Some people think that prayer just means asking for things, and if they fail to receive exactly what they asked for, they think the whole thing is a fraud." - Gerald Vann

Just a few of my answered prayers…

My son…

My husband…

I received an email from God when I thought I was going to lose my job…

1,000 signs that God was with me when I felt so alone…

I’m still here…

The tumors aren’t malignant…

"A faith is a necessity to a man. Woe to him who believes in nothing." - Victor Hugo

"A man of courage is also full of faith." - Marcus Tullius Cicero

"All who call on God in true faith, earnestly from the heart, will certainly be heard, and will receive what they have asked and desired." - Martin Luther

If you have a story about an answered prayer or a miracle you have witnessed and you would like me to share it here, shoot me an email at I would love to share your story.

Trust that if a prayer has gone unanswered, it was only so something more magnificent than you could even imagine is manifesting. Sometimes are prayers are not big enough for God. Sometimes our imaginations are too limited. But don’t worry… His imagination is more boundless than the stars…

Have an awesome day!

Saturday, October 8, 2011

Be Confident ... You are Awesome

Yesterday was one of those days... I was just feeling kinda off. For many reasons. Siblings and parents sometimes make me nuts. Work is a ball of constant frustration. I ordered something from Amazon and I got ripped off. Randomness. So I prayed. I prayed that God could make me feel a little better. I prayed and asked God to show me the way. I asked Him to show me what I need to do, what's next, and what he would have of me. He sent me a message that I don't completely understand, and I don't even know if it is for me or someone else... but here it is:

You are a beautiful and amazing creature. You are more powerful and strong than you know. You are much bigger than these things that plague you. Do not lay down and suffer them. Stand above them. Do not allow people to look down on you and take you for granted. Do not remain in places where you are abused. Let your strength show. Do not hide your power. Do not be shy. Be bold. Run if you have to... but, let your magnificence shine. Be brave. You are something special. You are not here to be someone's doormat. You are here to be wonderful... be... you.

What a wonderful thing to meditate on today...

“The courage of very ordinary people is all that stands between us and the dark.” - Pam Brown

“I learned that courage was not the absence of fear, but the triumph over it. The brave man is not he who does not feel afraid, but he who conquers that fear.” - Nelson Mandela

“Ye fearful saints fresh courage take, The clouds you so much dread Are big with mercy and shall break, With blessings on your head.” - William Cowper

Be brave. Have courage. Uncover the self-confidence you have forgotten. You are worthy! You are awesome and amazing! Go be redonkulously fabulous! Let the world see it! Let the world know!

God bless you,
Have an awesome day!

Thursday, October 6, 2011


Sometimes it's so simple. God is always present... but we don't always notice. And sometimes if we're not careful, in the midst of frustrations and sadness, we forget. Last night the message was perfectly clear. A prayer answered in less than a blink of an eye. I had kind of a rotten day. Work was typical. Then after that there were more chores than one person could handle. I felt drained, unappreciated, burnt out, and disappointed. While running errands after picking up Alex from school, I prayed in the car: what do you want me to know or do?

Renew your spirit.

 That was it. A simple, quiet message. And just what I needed.

So cheers to renewing our spirits.
Have an awesome day!