Saturday, April 14, 2012

An Answered Prayer

I was having an awful morning. I had just dropped little A off at school and got back into my car to head down to Fairfax to go to work. I laid my head on the steering wheel. It was all too much. Too many responsibilities. Too many bills. Fixing the house. Worrying about family. My grandmothers were both desperately ill. Thinking about all I have to do to sell the house and buy a new one this summer. We got audited by the IRS… worrying about work and how two analysts can possibly do the work of four people and not end up a puddle of catatonic goo. Having to sit next to and regularly work with people who I think channel the anti-christ on a daily basis. It was just too much stress. I felt depressed. I honestly… wanted to give up. Crawl under a blanket, cry, and just disappear.

But that is not an option. I closed my eyes and I prayed. “Dear God. Please… PLEASE... I feel terrible today. Help me see the light. Please. I’m begging you. Help. Help me see the light.”

I turned on the car, turned down Centreville Road. And right in front of me was a car with the following license plate:

Vi La Luz

Or translated…. See the light.

A simple answered prayer. Nothing changed. I still had too much work, too much stress, but God had given me a shout out and reminded me that I’m not in this alone. See the light.

There is light. He is the light.

God bless.